How a twin tip kitesurf board works

Everything you need to know about twin tips, in this first video dedicated to kiteboards we will explain how the rocker line, bottom shape, flex, out line characteristics determine the performance of your board.

School Live – episode 2

Marco Orrù istruttore kite di Critical Slide. Gli istruttori del team sono qualificati F.I.V. / IKO

In this second episode of the series, Markino tries to understand what jobs are to be done at the Porto Botte kitesurf center to prepare the school for the start of the season and with the arrival of the sun he takes advantage of it for a session on very flat water with the his new Cabrinha switchblade 10m.

School Live – episode 1

Kitesurf nel Sud della Sardegna

School Live is a project by Critical Slide that tells, through a series of videos, the kitesurfing training and the beach life starring Markino Orrù during an entire season at the Porto Botte kite center.